Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Snowfall Cuts Off Bamyan from Kabul, Other Provinces

Snowfall Cuts Off Bamyan from Kabul,  Other Provinces

BAMYAN CITY - Hajigak, Qanaq and Kirman passes, connecting central Bamyan province with Kabul and Parwan, have been closed for traffic as a result of heavy snowfall, officials said on Monday.
The Hajigak tunnel links Bamyan with Kabul and Maidan Wardak, with Qanaq connecting the province with Daikundi. Similarly, the Shato tunnel links Punjab and Yakawlang districts.
Abdul Khaliq, a Shiber district official, told Pajhwok Afghan News efforts were underway to reopen the highway for traffic.
Mohammad Azim Farid, the Yakawlang district chief, said the Yakawlang-Bamyan and Yakawlang-Punjab highways had been reopened. The highway is closed only in Punjab to an avalanche.
Mohammad Iqbal Jawadi, natural disaster management director and Qanaq and Kirman tunnels had also been closed by heavy snowfall.
He said cleaning teams had been dispatched to the areas. Once the snow stops falling, the highways will be cleared. (Pajhwok)