Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Pull Troops Out of Afghanistan, Trump Urged

Pull Troops Out of Afghanistan,  Trump Urged

KABUL - A former US military officer says President Trump is the only one person who can extract America from the conflict in Afghanistan.
"There is one man, who can take decisive action and end this. His name is Donald Trump. He promised to do that a long time ago,” said Col. ® Douglas Macgregor.
The president had disappointed many Americans with his failure to end the conflict in Afghanistan, Macgregor told Fox News.
The interviewer highlighted the number of lives lost, the billions of dollars wasted and lack of strategy in Afghanistan before underlining a troop withdrawal.
"We need someone brave enough to stop what's happening there for the sake of this country," Tucker Carlson added.
Macgregor rejected the argument that there must be a pullout strategy so that the US did not lose its footing in the region.
"The truth is, it doesn't make any difference when we leave. It's all going to fall apart. But the good news is that once we're out, at least we will no longer be subsidising corruption and we will no longer subsidise Afghanistan as the global engine of heroin production..." (Pajhwok)