Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Nangarhar’s Ulema Back Herat Colleague, Music Ban

Nangarhar’s Ulema Back  Herat Colleague, Music Ban

JALALABAD - Religious scholars in eastern Nangarhar province on Saturday welcomed the ongoing peace efforts and urged peace to be based on Islamic law.
The scholars supported a colleague in western Herat province for taking some decisions and welcomed ban on music in wedding parties by some tribal elders in five districts of Nangarhar.
The scholars expressed these views during a gathering at the provincial council hall on Saturday.
They issued a three-article resolution and announced their support for the Herat scholar’s recent claims.
An Islamic scholar in Herat had said woman should not walk without hijab in the province and violators should be dealt with what Islam says in this regard.
Tribal elders in five districts of Shinwari region have decided not to allow any one to play music in wedding parties and violators would be fined 50,000 afghnais.
Mualvi Abdul Basi rHaqqani, the Nangarhar ulema council spokesman, welcomed the ongoing peace efforts and supported the Herat imam’s recent decision.
He said, “Peace is a divine order and war is destruction that eliminates humans, animals and plants, we the religious scholars want peace with dignity and based on Islamic rules.”
Mualvi Karimullah, the Kot district’s ulema head, also spoke out about the importance of peace and said: “Peace is the entire ulema’s demand, the demand of all orphans and widows who lost their beloved ones to the ongoing conflict.”
A number of other religious scholars held similar views and urged the warring parties to arrive at peace negotiations.
Ending the meeting, the Islamic scholars issued a three-point resolution letter which supported Heart’s mullah recent decision and the Shinwari eldlers’ decision of banning music. (Pajhwok)