Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

‘Palace Disregards Wolesi Jirga Decisions’: MPs

‘Palace Disregards Wolesi Jirga Decisions’: MPs

KABUL - Members of the Wolesi Jirga, the lower house of the Afghan parliament, said on Saturday that the government does not heed their decisions, and such behavior demonstrates a lack of respect, and is in defiance of the  Wolesi Jirga decisions.
The MPs pointed to the case of Ajmal Ahmadi, acting minister of Industry and Commerce, and said President Ghani should fire him following the Wolesi Jirga’s announcement that Ahmadi is acting against the law.
After the Wolesi Jirga suspended Ahmadi--and his ministerial authority-- he fired many chiefs in the Ministry of Industries and Commerce.
“(We) urge the government to end the illegal situation. Respect parliament... No one is a monarch in Afghanistan,” said Ghulam Hussain Nasari, Wolesi Jirga member.
Nahid Farid, a member of the Wolesi Jirga said: “When we decided to dismiss the minister of Industries and Commerce, he increased his illegal work, and banned many directorates instead of respecting the decision.”
Mir Rahman Rahmani, head of the Wolesi Jirga, said the decision about the acting minster wss sent to the government and they should implement it.
“The Wolesi Jirga take its decision and cased no confidential vote for him, and officially notified the government,” added Rahmani.
Meanwhile, Sediq Sediqqi, spokesman for the  Presidential Palace, at a press conference praised Ahmadi`s work and said the Wolesi Jirga should understand that the minister is busy.
Sediqqi said that government officials have not disrespected the parliament.
“Understanding is the better way for performance of affairs, if the governmental organization is pressed by parliament every day, the government affairs will not go well,” added Sediq Sediqqi.
The Wolesi Jirga has suspended the budget for the ministry over its “repeated refusal” of its acting minister to attend a briefing in the lower house.
The MPs decided by a majority of votes to suspend the authorities of Mr. Ahmadi, saying the acting minister has disgraced the parliament by refusing to accept their summons call. (TOLO NEWS)