Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Nearly 40,000 Kunar Children Miss Polio Drops

Nearly 40,000 Kunar  Children Miss Polio Drops

ASADABAD - Tens of thousands of children could not be administered polio drops in the previous campaigns in Taliban-controlled areas in eastern Kunar province, an official said Monday.
Public Health Department Director Dr. Aziz Rahman Safi said about 39,800 children below five years of age were deprived of vaccination in Marwara, Sarkani, Nari, Shigal, Manogi, Noorgul, Chapa Dara, Watapur, Narang, Sawaki and Dangam districts in the previous drive.
He claimed Taliban did not allow vaccination to children in remote and mountainous areas under their control.
Safi said: “In cooperation with tribal elders, religious scholars, tribal councils, teachers, civil society activists and youths, we are striving to address the issue and there is progress in some areas.”
“This time the campaign would target 167,000 children in the province. The drive is starting (Monday) across the country to give polio drops to 9.1 million children in 30 provinces.”
According to Safi, 29 polio cases surfaced all over the country last year –one in Kunar, six in Kandahar, five in Helmand, nine in Uruzgan, two in Paktika and one each in Nangarhar, Badghis, Baghlan, Farah and Herat provinces.
Mualvi Abdul Rahman, ulema council head, said polio vaccination was necessary for a healthy future of children and it was not forbidden in Islam.
He urged provincial religious scholars to take part in campaigns and encourage people to vaccinate their children. (Pajhwok)