Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Afghan Female Athlete to Leave the Country after Her Dog Shot Dead by Gunmen

Afghan Female Athlete to Leave the Country after Her Dog Shot Dead by Gunmen

HERAT - Unknown gunmen shot ‘Asoman’ to death on Friday evening while she was hiking with Sahba Barakzai and her family in Dasht-e-Hawz mountains, an area 20 KM north of Herat city.
‘Asoman’ was the name of a 7-month old female Husky dog owned by Sahba Barakzai a female athlete and owner of a Karate club for girls in Herat city.
“My father has got a hiking team and we used to sometimes join them together with Asoman”, Sahba Barakzai told Khaama Press.
On Friday me, my father, sisters and ‘Asoman’ went out to Dasht-e-Hawz mountains for hiking wherein a gunman looking like a ‘Shepherd’ shot at my dog. I shouted and ran towards Asoman and requested the man not to fire. The gunman did not care and shot 4 bullets in Asoman’s chest. Several other gunmen joint him soon after they heard the firing. Sahba explained.
Cryingly I took the dead body in my arms and started running towards our car. The gunmen fired from behind and shouted on us to stop and leave the dead body of the dog here. Sahba added.
I begged them to allow me take the body of Asoman and burry her myself, but they did not listen and said I was a girl and have no right to keep dogs, she said.
“I even could not report it to the police as I knew nothing will happen. Dozens of human beings are killed every day in the country and no one feels responsibility”, she added. (Khaama Press)