Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Abdullah’s Team Threatens to Pull Out of Election Process

Abdullah’s Team Threatens  to Pull Out of Election Process

KABUL - Abdullah's team threatened on Sunday to pull out of presidential election process, saying it was suspicious about the work of both the electoral commissions.
The warning came on the same the Independent Election Commission launched partial audit of a decisive share of ballots, after the Electoral Complaints Commission adjudicated candidates objections.
Fazl Ahmad Manawi, a senior member of Abdullah’s electoral team, said that ECC’s decisions on complaints were not based on electoral laws and procedures.
For example, Manawi said, ECC had referred samples from over 102,012 votes outside polling hours to special audit by setting biometric data, result sheets and journals as criteria for them to be considered valid, not the very timing.
He also said that IEC was not using QR code readers in verifying the ballots.
“Compromise in 2014 election was for Afghanistan's stability, compromise this time would inflict big damage on Afghanistan, this time we will resist for stability at any cost,” Manawi warned
“All options you may guess is in hand,” he said.
Manawi didn’t elaborate what were the options. Earlier, Abdullah’s supporters, including Abdul Rashid Dostum, the current first vice president, warned about possibility of forming a parallel government.
IEC in December declared incumbent president Ashraf Ghani in the lead in the preliminary results, with a margin of less than 1 percent over the minimum 50 percent required for victory.
IEC chairwoman, Hawa Alam Nuristani, said that implementation of ECC’s decisions would go on if candidates’ observers are absent.
She said that the commission was seeking to complete the implementation process soon and that the commission would announce the final results the same day it complete the process. (1TV NEWS)