Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Clinton, Panetta Monitoring Post-Raid Situation

Clinton, Panetta Monitoring Post-Raid Situation

WASHINGTON - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Defense Secretary Leon Panetta are closely monitoring the situation in the region as its relationship with Pakistan hit a new bump with the killing of 26 Pakistani soldiers in a cross-border NATO airstrike. Indeed, the State Department and the Department of Defense issued an unusual joint statement late on Saturday night, saying the two top US officials were closely monitoring reports of the cross-border incident in the Mohmand tribal region.

Clinton and Gen Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called their counterparts in Pakistan. "Both offer their deepest condolences for the loss of life and support fully NATO's intention to investigate immediately," the joint statement said.

General John Allen, commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan also called his Pakistani counterpart. "Secretary Clinton, Gen. Dempsey and Gen. Allen each called their Pakistani counterparts as well.

Ambassador Cameroon Munter also met with Pakistani officials in Islamabad. In their contacts, the US diplomatic and military leaders stressed -- in addition to their sympathies and a commitment to review the circumstances of the incident -- the importance of the US-Pakistani partnership, which serves the mutual interests of our people, the joint statement added.

"All these leaders pledged to remain in close contact with their Pakistani counterparts going forward as we work through this challenging time."
Meanwhile analysts said the incident was expected to further deepen the rift between the two countries, allies in the war on terror.

"How big the rift now is between Washington and Islamabad, and to what extent it can be patched, remains to be seen, but the incident appears unprecedented and Pakistan has already demonstrated a willingness to issue a quick and serious response," said Stratfor, a Texas-based intelligence analyst organization.