Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Kabul Condemns Pakistan FM’s ‘Irresponsible’ Remarks on ‘Internal Matters’

Kabul Condemns  Pakistan FM’s ‘Irresponsible’  Remarks on ‘Internal Matters’

KABUL - Afghanistan's Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday it strongly condemns Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi's "irresponsible" remarks on its "internal matters,"
The ministry didn’t made it clear which statement by Qureshi it was referring to. In his latest statement, Qureshi called on the Afghan government to abide by a prisoner swap clause in the US-Taliban deal.
"The US-Taliban agreement says that there will be an exchange of prisoners," said Qureshi. "President Ghani should ask the US for an explanation of the agreement."
Afghan Foreign Ministry in a statement said that it had lodged protest with Pakistan over Qureshi’s recent remarks on its internal matters.
Afghan government believes that Pakistan should take practical steps on strengthening bilateral relations by resorting to policies of good neighborhood and prevent irresponsible remarks on Afghan affairs, the statement said.
It said that such remarks would not be effective in improving relations between the two countries and rather would create an atmosphere of mistrust. (1TV NEWS)