Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

US Businessmen Enthusiastic to Invest in Afghanistan

US Businessmen  Enthusiastic to Invest  in Afghanistan

KABUL - Since US-Taliban’s Doha agreement, American businessmen have become more interested to invest in Afghanistan.
Officials of the Afghan-American Chamber of Commerce say that there are more opportunities to trade and do investment in Afghanistan.
Moreover, they added that Afghan-American businessmen have scheduled to hold a joint meeting in June to discuss business in Afghanistan.
The head of the Afghan-American Chamber of Commerce Jeffrey Grieco says that the US businessmen’s enthusiasm has surged to invest in Afghanistan since the signing of the US-Taliban agreement for bringing peace to Afghanistan.
The Chairman of the Board of Afghan-American Chamber of Commerce, Sulaiman Lutfi, said, “The opportunities that are there in Afghanistan should be used by companies for investment and joint ventures.”
American businessmen also believe that there are many opportunities to do investment in Afghanistan.
Matt Nislay, an American businessman, said that he personally was very excited about the opportunities for investments in Afghanistan and that these ventures could be further explored.
According to the aforementioned officials, said that the annual trade between Afghanistan and America was worth USD60 million, out of which USD55 million marked import and the other USD5 million was of export – a huge amount of it goes to carpet trading. (ATN)