Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Policewoman Claims She Was Raped by Commander in Charge – Daikundi

Policewoman Claims She Was Raped by Commander in Charge – Daikundi

DAIKUNDI - A policewoman from Daikundi province claims that she was raped by the police commander of Kejran district six months ago.
Momena says that Mohammad Khan Baloch, Kejran’s police commander, had asked her to sleep with the procurement chief of the Daikundi Police. When she denied, Baloch forced himself on her and raped her.
According to her, she has been knocking doors for six months to seek justice. The other day, she had wanted to set herself to fire before the Governor’s Office, but she was stopped by people.
Officials in the Ministry of the Interior Affairs said that the case had been received and was under investigation.
In the meantime, the independent human rights of the commission of Afghanistan said that it had assigned an investigating team in connection to the rape case, but had not developed any leads yet. (ATN)