Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Kabul Assault Draws Ringing Denunciation

Kabul Assault Draws  Ringing Denunciation

KABUL - Major world powers and organisations have strongly condemned Friday’s high-casualty attack on a memorial ceremony in Kabul.
The shooting drew denunciation from the UN, OIC, Saudi Arabia, the United States, NATO, India, Pakistan, the EU and other nations and entities.
At least 32 civilians were killed and 81 others injured when the ceremony marking the 25th death anniversary of Abdul Ali Mazari came under attack.
CEO Dr. Abdullah, ex-president Hamid Karzai, Khalili, Mohaqiq, Batoor Dostum and several other political figures were in attendance. But they escaped unscathed.
The OIC expressed its sincere condolences to families of the victims and wished speedy recovery for the wounded. It also expressed solidarity with the Afghan government and the people.
“I condemn in the strongest terms this deliberate attack on civilians,” said Tadamichi Yamamoto, the UN secretary-general’s special representative for Afghanistan.
“Those who have organised and enabled this attack must be brought to justice and held to account,” he said, adding the UN stood with all Afghans in solidarity and remained committed to an Afghan-led peace process that would end the war.
US State Secretary Mike Pompeo, denouncing the assault by ISIS-K, tweeted the Afghan people deserved a future free from terrorism.
“We extend our condolences to the families of the victims & thank the Afghan security forces for swift response. We stand with Afghanistan for peace,” said US Chargé d’Affaires Ross Wilson.
NATO’s Senior Civil Representative Nicholas Kay said “My thoughts are with the victims’ families, wishing speedy recovery to the wounded. We will continue to support the ANDSF in the fight against terrorism."
Germany said such attacks represented a serious blow to peace efforts currently underway. Germany also reaffirmed continued support for Afghanistan in its fight against terrorism.
In Riyadh, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed Saudi Arabia's strong condemnation of the terrorist attack and affirmed the kingdom's solidarity with Afghanistan.
India also condemned the terrorist attack on the event as heinous. “We express heartfelt condolences to the relatives of the deceased and the injured and to the government and people of Afghanistan,” the External Affairs Ministry said in a statement.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have suffered in this tragedy. We are relieved that the leadership has remained unharmed,” the Pakistan foreign minister said.
Shah Mahmood Qureshi added Pakistan had consistently supported a negotiated political solution to the conflict in Afghanistan.
He urged all parties to work together in a constructive spirit for establishing durable peace and stability in Afghanistan.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi expressed sympathy with the Afghan nation and government, as well as families of the victims.
"Horrific attack in Kabul today ... heartbreaking and unacceptable. We are tired of war and violence," said Shahrzad Akbar, head of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission.
The UN secretary-general said attacks against civilians were unacceptable and those who committed such crimes must be held accountable. (Pajhwok)