Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Russia Warns about the Emerging Internal Political Crisis in Afghanistan

Russia Warns about the Emerging Internal Political Crisis in Afghanistan

MOSCOW - Russia has warned that the emerging internal political crisis, exacerbated by two parallel inauguration ceresmonies of Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah, could undermine the intra-Afghan talks.
Commenting on parallel oath taking ceremonies, the Foreign Ministry of Russia said “We call on all responsible political actors of Afghanistan to adhere solely to common national interests, to focus their efforts on national reconciliation process, which should lead to end of the civil war and to rebuilding of peaceful, united and independent state, free of terrorism and drug-related crime.”
The ministry also added that it believes that emerging internal political crisis, exacerbated by two parallel inauguration ceremonies of Ashraf Ghani and his rival Abdullah Abdullah, can undermine the intra-Afghan talks, according to TASS.
It also added “The emerging crisis situation sparks concerns of further destabilization of the already complex internal political situation in the country and of negative consequences for the beginning of the intra-Afghan talks, the perspective of which appeared in the wake of the US-Taliban peace treaty signed in Doha on February 29.”
Russian Foreign Ministry reiterated Moscow’s readiness to continue to “fully support the friendly Afghan people” in its pursuit of stable peace in the country.
Tensions remain high on political level following the controversial announcement of final election by Independent Election Commission last month.
The Independent Election Commission announced incumbent Ashraf Ghani as the winner of the controversial presidential elections. However, Abdullah rejected the results emphasizing that he had won the presidential race and that he would form a parallel government.
Abdullah announced the formation of an inclusive government after holding a parallel oath taking ceremony in Kabul on Monday and on Wednesday issued a statement which stated that Ghani is no more the President of Afghanistan and his decrees will no more have credibility.
The statement further added that the term of the Government of National Unity formally ended with the formation of the inclusive government and that the new Chief Executive would be formally introduced in the near future.
On the other hand issued a decree which stated that the government has dissolved the Office of the Chief Executive and none of the letters issued by the Office of the Chief Executive would have an executive status. (KHAAMA PRESS)