Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

UN Envoy Summoned after Meeting with Abdullah

UN Envoy Summoned after Meeting with Abdullah

KABUL - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) has summoned the top UN diplomat in Afghanistan after he met Dr Abdullah, who has declared himself the president and announced to establish a parallel government.
UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative Tadamichi Yamamoto was summoned by acting Foreign Minister Mohammad Haroon Chakhansuri on Friday afternoon.
Chakhansuri reminded Yamamoto that the electoral process had concluded in accordance with Afghanistan’s Constitution and Ashraf Ghani had taken oath as president, a statement from the ministry said.
Without citing Yamamoto’s meeting with Abdullah, the statement said the UN envoy was told Ghani, in his speech during the oath-taking ceremony, had emphasized that he would establish an inclusive government.
“Thus, discussing matters related to Afghan politics must not be in contradiction to the country’s constitution and international norms, the statement added.
“Yamamoto responded with the principled UN position of neither recognising nor supporting any parallel government in Afghanistan. He insisted he has discussed this principled position with all Afghan politicians that he has met since Ghani took the oath.”
The diplomat also presented (Ghani) a congratulatory letter from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the occasion of President Ghani’s second-term inauguration.
Chakhansuri received the letter and appreciated UN’s support for the electoral process in Afghanistan.
Yamamoto met Abdullah on Thursday and stressed in a twitter post the importance of Afghan leaders “coming together to create an inclusive government acceptable to all, respecting the constitution.” (Pajhwok)