Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

NATO Envoy Calls on Afghan Leaders to Solve Differences

NATO Envoy Calls on Afghan Leaders to Solve Differences

KABUL - NATO Senior Civilian Representative to Afghanistan Nicholas Kay on Saturday called on Afghan political leaders to “resolve their differences, compromise and unite for peace as coronavirus sweeps the world.”
His message comes as political tension ramps up between Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah following the disputed election results and twin inaugetation cetemonies. Efforts are underway by politicians and influential figures including former president Hamid Karzai and former Mujahideen leader Abdul Rab Rasul Sayyaf.
As part of these efforts a group of Afghan politicians including Abdullah Abdullah and Hamid Karzai held a meeting at the HPC chief Mohammad Karim Khalili’s residence on Saturday.
“As the coronavirus sweeps the world, causing public health crisis and potential economic crisis like which I have not seen in my lifetime, here in Afghanistan there is a political crisis and it is strange that the political leadership cannot find a way to resolve their differences and unite the country both in the interests of public health but also peace,” he said in a recorded message on Twitter. “I call upon both parties to find a compromise and solve their political differences.”
The rift between Ghani and Abdullah led to the summoning of Tadamichi Yamamoto, the UN chief in Afghanistan, by the Presidential Palace after he met Abdullah Abdullah last week.
“Acting Foreign Minister Haroon Chakhansuri summoned UNAMA head Yamamoto, and reminded him that the election is over, and Ghani is the recognized president, and thus discussing matters related to Afghan politics must not contradict the constitution and international norms,” the Foreign Affairs Ministry said in a statement on Friday evening.
Ghani’s advisor and the state minister for human rights, Sima Samar, said she is concerned over the rift as it may benefit militants.
“As a citizen, I am actually concerned about the current situation and I reiterate that our unity is our strength against the Islamic emirate. We who defend the republic should stay united,” she said.
Ghani's Presidential Palace and Abdullah's Sapedar Palace have not commented on the tensions. But acting Interior Minister Gen. Massoud Andarabi at a press conference in Kabul on Saturday said he will take Ghani’s orders.
“Political problems are related to our politicians and I am sure they will solve it and will find a solution,” Andarabi said. “We are committed to ensuring the security of the people of Afghanistan, rule of law and fighting the enemies of Afghanistan.” (TOLO NEWS)