Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Peace to Stop Insecurity, Unleash Prosperity: Harif

Peace to Stop Insecurity, Unleash Prosperity: Harif

KABUL - A businessman whose one son was killed another kidnapped, tortured and freed after payment of ransom money continues to invest in the hope that one day durable peace would be established in the country.
Abdul Jalil Harif, head of the business and construction companies “Harif Limited Services” also serves as deputy head of Kabul Chamber of Commerce.
He is among several other Afghans whose lives were affected by insecurity but they still dream for lasting peace in war-torn Afghanistan.
Harif in his well-decorated office in Kabul exclusively talked to Pajhwok Afghan News on insecurity and the need for durable peace and stability in the country.
Still unable to hide his pain he suffered as a result of insecurity, the businessman repeatedly said: “Happiness and development will come to our people when there is durable peace and stability in the country.”
Harif, 60, was unable to control his tears.“In 2010 my young son Abdul Aziz was kidnapped and I paid $550,000 in ransom to free him. He is still unstable due to the torture he suffered in captivity and in 2017 dacoits murdered my another young son Matin, 29, and stole his car, my wife could not afford the loss of our son and she died of a brain hemorrhage.”
In the next room to his office, children were making a loud noise which disturbed in the interview. He closed the window and said these were his son Matin’s children.
He said the family of his son was among thousands of Afghan families who had met the same fate. He stressed all these pains could be cured if durable peace was established in the country.
Harif repeated recalled the tragic incident of his son Matin’s killing and was crying. He said he often rejected planned shifting to foreign as he believed that a day would come when peace and stability would prevail in Afghanistan.
Harif paused for a while but tears continued to shed from his eyes. “Matin carried the dream of lasting peace in the country to the grave.”
The grandfather was worried about the security of his family. “Insecurity forced me to join my office and family to have all of my children and family members in front of my eyes.”
He said it was his love with the people and the country that his company Harif Limited invested huge amount in construction of townships and green houses with the hope that peace and stability would be established in the country.
Harif is hopeful for peace at a time when the US and the Taliban inked a peace agreement on February 29 and according to the agreement, intra-Afghan talks had to kick off on March 10.
The historic agreement made Harif more hopeful for peace in the country and said: “I see this step as positive one and pray to Allah for durable peace in the country because peace can unleash welfare and prosperity.”
He termed the US-Taliban agreement as an opportunity for peace in the country and asked both sides not to allow this opportunity go in vain.
In his message to the Taliban and government, Harif said: “Being a father who suffered insecurity I want to tell the conflicting parties to set aside their personal interest and consider the country’s and its people interest supreme and reconcile. The best way is that all of us should prefer unity and ignore divisions and personal interest. I am hopeful that we can reach peace. The Taliban and government should get united, move ahead and form a strong government.”
Harif who took a tissue paper and cleaned sweat from his face said: “Peace not only stops violence but it allows economic development.”
He stressed if peace was established in Afghanistan and crimes controlled, Afghanistan will witness unprecedented development, especially in economic sector.
He provided examples and added when there wass peace billions of dollars now going to security sector would be spent on economic and rehabilitation.
He is also hopeful for investment in the country and adds when there is peace many internal and external companies will invest in Afghanistan which would resolve economic problems of the people and Afghanistan will have a strong economy.
Recently Afghanistan and US Chamber of Commerce and Industries during a press conference hinted at investment and strong economic ties in post-peace era in Afghanistan. (Pajhwok)