Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

2nd Phase of Transition Begins Today

2nd Phase of Transition Begins Today

KABUL CITY - The second phase of security transition from international troops to Afghan forces would be launched in at least one province on Thursday, a Ministry of Defense official said on Wednesday.
Security in Balkh, Daikundi, Takhar, Samangan, Kabul and Nimroz provinces and Jalalabad, Chaghcharan, Shiberghan, Faizabad, Ghazni, Maidan Shahr are Qala-i-Naw cities is to change hands in the second phase.

In the remote northern province of Badakhshan, Faizabad, Shahr-i-Buzurg, Yaftal Sofla, Arghanchkhwa, Baharak, Tishkan, Kishm and Argu districts will transition to Afghan forces.

The Aab Kamari district of Badghis, Nawa, Nad Ali and Marja in Helmand, Herat province -- excluding Shindand, Oba and Chisht Sharif -- Qarghayee in Laghman and Behsud, Kooz Kunar and Surkh Rod in Nangarhar are also included in the second phase.

All but two districts of Parwan are due for transition, which will also cover many parts of Sar-i-Pul province. Sayad and Behsud (Part 1), however, are not on the list of regions for the security transfer.

Addressing a news conference in Kabul, Ministry of Defense spokesman Maj. Gen. Zahir Azimi said the process would begin in one province tomorrow. However, he did not name the province.

But a National Security Council official confided to Pajhwok Afghan News the second phase of the security switch would begin in central Parwan province.

For his part, Azimi said: "The process of transition means restoring national honor, dignity and sovereignty to the people of Afghanistan." He asked religious scholars and elders to support from the exercise.

The second phase of transition is being undertaken after a careful evaluation and analysis of several factors, including the capability of Afghan forces, in the areas announced by President Karzai, according to the spokesman.

When implemented, the second phase would see 50 percent of the country transitioning to Afghan security lead. "Our security forces, especially the Afghan National Army (ANA), will successfully deal with the challenge."