Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Kabul, Ashgabat Confer on Joint Projects

Kabul, Ashgabat  Confer on Joint Projects

KABUL - Top diplomats from Afghanistan and Turkmenistan have underlined the importance of cooperation on executing joint projects in different fields.
Turkmenistan’s Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov and his Afghan counterpart Haneef Atmar discussed the need for joint projects in areas of transport, energy, telecommunications and transit.
AKIpress.com reported the foreign ministers, during a telephone conversation, noted the significance of regular contacts between the heads of state.
“Atmar expressed gratitude to Turkmenistan for the humanitarian aid provided to Afghanistan in the period of the (Covid-19) pandemic,” the news agency said.
A recent trilateral video summit among the presidents of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Afghanistan also came up for discussion.
The two sides also conferred on the promotion of the peace process in Afghanistan, cross-border cooperation and collaboration in the framework of international structures. (Pajhwok)