Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Palace Awaits Abdullah’s List on Cabinet

Palace Awaits  Abdullah’s List on Cabinet

KABUL - Two months after the signing of the political agreement between President Ghani and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, the list of those who will find their way to the cabinet has still not been made public, said an official from the Presidential Palace. Abdullah's final choices for his share of the cabinet are still pending, the official said.
Abdullah has been given 50% share in the cabinet based on the political agreement.
Critics say further delay in the process will cause the cabinet to be led by acting ministers --because lawmakers--who must confirm the choices--are about to start their two-month summer recess within the next two weeks.
“We are waiting for Dr. Abdullah to share the list of nominees with us so that we can share it with the Wolesi Jirga accordingly. We want urgent action in this regard,” presidential spokesman Sediq Sediqqi said.
TOLOnews could not get a comment from Abdullah’s office on this.
Others, however, blame the government leaders for their inattention to this matter.
“We need a responsible cabinet as the country is in crisis in terms of its economic and political situation,” said Khan Mohammad Wardak, an MP.
“Government authority has big gaps. Political disputes are wasting Afghans’ time,” said Gul Ahmad Noorzad, an MP.
Recently, the Presidential Palace said their cabinet choices are ready to be sent to the parliament for approval.
“These leaders are responsible to continue peace with Taliban. If this continues, how long will peace negotiations take?” said Tariq Farhadi, a former presidential adviser.
“The main problem is the rift between (political) leaders and parties and movements who helped Ghani and Abdullah in the elections and who now all want a share and are not accepting anything but a ministry,” said Habib-Ur-Rahman Pedaram, an MP.
The delay in cabinet appalments was also criticized by Kabul residents who said the new ministers should be appointed soon.
“They are not feeling the pain of the nation. Their position in power is important to them,” said Zainullah Mahboobi, a Kabul resident.
“They are not thinking about the nation,” said Alim Kabiri, a Kabul resident. (TOLO NEWS)