Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Politicians Criticize Abdullah for Inactivity in New Role

Politicians Criticize Abdullah for  Inactivity in New Role

KABUL - Abdullah Abdullah was criticized by some politicians on Monday who said he has not done anything for peace so far while he has been assigned to lead the national process.
Abdullah heads the High Council for National Reconciliation, authorized by the political agreement he signed with President Ghani on May 17. The agreement gives his team 50% share in the cabinet but does not provide him executive authority.
Abdullah should have five deputies, according to the agreement. Two of his deputies are his deputies from his election ticket but he has yet to appoint three other deputies.
“All work is done either by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the National Directorate of Security or ultimately the National Security Council. Among this, Dr. Abdullah’s task is unknown,” said Sayed Ishaq Gailani, the chairman of the National Solidarity Movement of Afghanistan.
Addressing a meeting on “Strengthening Regional and International Consensus” last week, Abdullah said his team is making progress towards announcing the new cabinet, “which will be followed shortly with the presentation of the High Council for National Reconciliation members which will help and support the mandate of the negotiating team.”
Sources told TOLOnews that Abdullah this week sent a list of 12 nominees for ministries and a nominee for the leadership of the Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission to the Presidential Palace. But Abdullah’s spokesman said the list has not been finalized.
According to the source, the nominees by Abdullah’s team are as follows:
Fazl Ahmad Manawi for Ministry of Justice
Massoud Andarabi for Ministry of Interior
Masooma Khawari for Ministry of Telecommunication
Kanishka Turkistani for Ministry of Higher Education
Abbas Basir for Ministry of Transportation
Noor Rahman Akhlaqi for Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation
Bashir Ahmad Tahyanj for Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Sayed Saadat Mansoor Naderi for Ministry of Economy
Mustafa Mansour for State Ministry for Peace Affairs
Najib Aqa Fahim for Ministry of Martyrs and Disabled
Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani for Ministry of Industry and Commerce
Anwar-ul-Haq Ahadi for Ministry of Agriculture
and Azizullah Aryanfar for the Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission
“I want to tell Mr. Abdullah that you are responsible to the people. He should tell (the people) what he has done for peace so far. He has done nothing for peace. He is only busy in achieving for his personal interests,” said Abdul Rauf Shpoon, an MP.
Kabul residents brought a similar matter, saying they have not seen a tangible achievement by Abdullah’s office in peace affairs.
“The High Council for National Reconciliation does not want to work. In fact, they are busy in ‘making deals’,” said Waheed, a Kabul resident.
“Dr. Abdullah doesn’t know that what is he doing because, so far, there hasn’t been a practical step by the High Council for National Reconciliation,” said Yasir, a Kabul resident.
Abdullah’s spokesman, Fraidoon Khwazoon, said Abdullah met with dozens of political leaders, women and youth in the last 24 hours.
“The peace process is our top priority and we have worked in this respect… And work has moved well,” Khwazoon said. (TOLO NEWS)