Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Unconfirmed, Acting Ministers Lack Legal Legitimacy: Lawyers

Unconfirmed, Acting Ministers Lack Legal Legitimacy: Lawyers

KABUL - As the National Assembly prepares to go on summer vacation in two days, the cabinet picks are still not confirmed, with those nominated still waiting for confirmation votes from the House of Representatives.
Two months have passed since the signing of a political agreement between President Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah and the establishment of a new government in the country.
A number of lawyers say that acting ministers and deputies have no legal legitimacy.
“Ministers and deputies who are not actually nominated as candidates are already unmotivated, and this can lead to corruption in the administration,” said Arash Shaherpor, lawyer.
Meanwhile, a number of members of the House of Representatives say that differences between the Presidential Palace and Sapedar Palace have led to the nominated ministers not introduced to the House of Representatives.
“The House of Representatives is in the final days before summer vacation. The continuation of the work of the acting ministers has no legal legitimacy for us,” said Nazifa Yousofi Big, a parliament member.
“The current problems in Afghanistan between Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah are of concern to all Afghans because we have seen more violence in recent weeks,” said Hassan Paktiyawal, another member of parliament.
However, during his visit to Ghazni province on Thursday, President Ghani spoke of creating a single working team, saying: "We have brought a single team to serve you so that we can solve problems."
On the other hand, citizens say that despite the political agreement between Palace and Sapedar , the political situation in the country has not improved and the government has not been able to form a comprehensive cabinet yet.
“Put aside the internal controversy of the government and come and introduce the cabinet,” said Serajuddin, a resident of Kabul.
Meanwhile, some politicians say that Abdullah Abdullah has not yet nominated members of the leadership of the High Council for National Reconciliation or its deputies because of uncertainty regarding his share in the government. (TOLO NEWS)