Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

COVID-19 Latest: 121 of 741 Test Positive

COVID-19 Latest: 121 of 741 Test Positive

KABUL - The Ministry of Public Health on Sunday reported 121 new positive cases of the coronavirus from 741samples tested over the last 24 hours.
So far, 86,907 samples have been tested in government centers and there are 9,718 known active COVID-19 cases in the country, according to data by the Ministry of Public Health.
In the last 24 hours, the ministry also reported 12 new deaths from COVID-19 and 387 recoveries.
The number of total cases is now 36,157, the total reported deaths is 1,259, and the total recoveries is 25,180.
The highest count was reported in Khost with 30, followed by Herat with 25--other cases were reported in Ghor (20), Kabul (3), Kandahar (8), Paktia (1), Balkh (5), Takhar (9), Nangarhar (1), Badghis (4), Kunduz (1), Daikundi (3), Badakhshan (4), Wardak (2), Helmand (2), Kunar (1), Zabul (1) and Uruzgan (1).
Also, the ministry reported 4 COVID-19 deaths in Herat, 3 in Khost, 2 in Kabul, 1 in Nangarhar, 1 in Helmand and 1 in Kapisa provinces.
The number of deaths from COVID-19 globally is more than 644,556 and the number of global coronavirus cases is 16,048,100, according to Johns Hopkins University. (TOLO NEWS)