Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

DAB Rejects Its Cameras Went Off Due to Power Outage

DAB Rejects Its Cameras Went Off  Due to Power Outage

KABUL - Da Afghanistan Bank (central bank) has rejected media reports regarding electricity blackout, saying some security cameras went off for some time due to a technical problem.
Earlier, media outlets reported that the bank experienced the first electricity outage for at least four hours, during which some security cameras stopped coverage.
In a statement, DAB said on June 22 at 10:07pm the services department of the bank informed the DAB office head regarding deactivation of some cameras.
It said at the time, DAB head was attending a meeting with President Ashraf Ghani.
After being informed, DAB Head AjmalAhmadi arranged a meeting with services head, treasury head and former deputy head regarding the issue at 8:00pm.
Former deputy assistance of the bank provided information regarding the deactivation of some security cameras and stressed the need for a strategy to deal with such an exceptional situation in future.
According to the Bank’s observation team, no damage was inflicted on assets of the Bank during the period when security cameras remained off.
The statement said DAB will discuss the fake news with the Information ministry and media commission in order to prevent such fake stories in future. (Pajhwok)