Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Pakistan Welcomes Jirga’s Recommendation on Prisoners

Pakistan Welcomes Jirga’s Recommendation on Prisoners

KABUL - Pakistan on Sunday welcomed the consultative Loya Jirga’s recommendation to release remaining 400 Taliban prisoners and hoped intra-Afghan talks to begin soon.
Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement said Islamabad has repeatedly emphasized that the Afghan leaders must seize this historic opportunity and work together constructively through Intra-Afghan Negotiations to secure a comprehensive, broad-based and inclusive political settlement in Afghanistan.
“The international community must also reinforce its support for the success of Intra-Afghan Negotiations for sustained and durable peace and stability in Afghanistan,” the statement said.
For its part, Pakistan said it consistently supported an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process, adding Pakistan’s positive contribution to the peace process was internationally recognized.
Pakistan reaffirmed its support for a peaceful, stable, united, democratic, sovereign and prosperous Afghanistan, at peace with itself and with its neighbours. (Pajhwok)