Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Afghanistan’s Exports Through Air Corridors Up by 29pc

Afghanistan’s Exports Through Air Corridors Up by 29pc

KABUL - Afghanistan’s exports through air corridors increased by 29 percent in the first seven months of the ongoing year compared to the same period last year, the Ministry of Commerce and Industries (MoCI) said on Monday.
“After the coronavirus outbreaks, countries around the world took urgent precautionary measures, which led to lowest level in decades of trade and transit between countries. Afghanistan, meanwhile, was no exception,” reads a statement from MoCI.
According to the statement, trade and transit during March and April reached its lowest point. “The Government of Afghanistan realizes that this is a phenomenon that is spreading and is likely to take a long time, so it took the initiative to work closely with the private sector to re-engage trade and transit with the countries of the region and the world.”
According to fresh statistics, the volume of Afghanistan’s exports via air corridors rose by 29 percent in the first seven months --- accounted for 17 percent in value --- compared to the corresponding period last year.
The statement said the country’s exports to India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had returned to normal and would resume to other countries soon. (Pajhwok)