Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

No Winner in War, No Looser in Peace: Abdullah

No Winner in War, No Looser in Peace: Abdullah

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – Chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation Abdullah Abdullah said Tuesday there is no winner in war and there is no looser in peace, as he encourage all parties to join together for peace and stability in Afghanistan.
Speaking at the Institute of Strategic Studies in Islamabad, Abdullah said, “Pakistan played a critical role in facilitating this [intra-Afghan] talks, and has even a more important role to play hereon not only  supporting the process through a successful end, but also in standing with the people and government of Afghanistan  in building a peaceful and prosperous neighborhood.”
According to a statement released by HCNR Tuesday, Abdullah sighed learning the country has remained behind in many areas despite “today’s highly competitive and technologically inter-connected world,” as he addressed ongoing “challenges that include various shades of terrorism, extremism and intolerance, and more recently the covid-19 pandemic that has not spared any country.”
“I believe that there is huge untapped security, political and economic potential for cooperation and considering the current geopolitical context of the region, many new windows of opportunities have opened up,” he said.
Meanwhile, Abdullah further said the Afghan government do not want a terrorist footprint in the country or allow any entity to pose a threat to any other nation, adding “the current intra-Afghan talks offer the best hope to put the war behind and using patience, dialogue and compromise to agree to unite the country.”
“We have both [Afghanistan and Pakistan] paid a high price by facing various terror groups that are still acting as spoilers,” he said. “We need to cooperate with other like-minded countries against such elements.”
Addressing ongoing war and civilian casualties in Afghanistan, Abdullah called on all sides to agree to seriously reduce violence and “protect civilians from further harm as we aim for a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire.”
“Peace is not only an Islamic tenant and duty, but it is also that unique historical opportunity that should not be squandered,” he concluded. “Now that the ice has been broken, we all have a role and a responsibility to help it move toward fruition and prevent a relapse.”
On September 12, Afghan representative and the Taliban delegation, including international allies for Unites States and Europe, came together in Qatari capital Doha, launching the long-awaited intra-Afghan talks in an opening ceremony. (KHAAMA PRESS)