Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

3,000 Cases of Violence on Women Addressed: AGO

3,000 Cases of Violence on  Women Addressed: AGO

KABUL - The Attorney General Office (AGO) on Tuesday said a man who sexually assaulted a minor girl in Faryab province has been sentenced to 20 years in jail while 3,000 cases of violence against women were addressed so far this solar year.
On August 19, local officials in Faryab province said that an Afghan National Army soldier raped a seven-year-old girl in the center of Balcheragh district.
Sina Shana Mansoor Afghan, the deputy Attorney General, told a conference here that cases of 287 people accused of perpetrating violence against women were processed and they were awarded punishment by judiciary organs.
He said the AGO also responded to 173 cases of sexual assaults on women since the start of the current solar year.
Afghan said the AGO had so far responded to 3,000 cases of violence against women since the beginning of current solar year, 1399.
The perpetrator of a sexual assault on a minor girl in Balcheragh district of Faryab province was also sentenced to 20 years in jail, he said, adding that the rapist was an ANA soldier.
He said cases of seven people who rapped two women in Kapisa province were also under process with the AGO and the rest of other perpetrators of the crime were under police chase.
According to AGO figures, most cases of violence against women, particularly sexual assaults, were registered in Kabul, Balkh and Herat provinces. (Pajhwok)