Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Fazli: No Amendment Has Been Made to The Electronic Identification Act

Fazli: No Amendment Has Been Made to The Electronic Identification Act

KABUL - Fazel Mahmood Fazli, Head of the administrative office of the president OAA, said Wolesi Jirga’s decision on the distribution of electronic IDs was unacceptable and that no law had been amended in this regard.
Fazal Mahmood Fazli yesterday reacted to the Wolesi Jirga’s decision to change the law on electronic IDs and remove the words “Afghan” and “Islam”.
Fazli wrote on his Facebook page:
“The news that has been published in the media about a decision of the Wolesi Jirga should be made clear to the people that no law has been amended. Distribution of electronic ID cards is going on as before, citizens can get ID cards in the relevant institutions” He posted, “There is no change or suspension in the distribution of electronic ID cards”.
This is despite the fact that a few days ago, some members of the Wolesi Jirga submitted a draft to the administrative board, which was also signed by 60 lawmakers, stating that the law on the distribution of electronic ID cards should be amended and changed.
They said that the word “Afghan” should not be written in the electronic ID cards.
Earlier, members of the Wolesi Jirga (House of Representatives) and some citizens had reportedly reacted to the National Statistics Office’s decision to indicate Persian as a foreign language in their information section. (KHAAMA PRESS)