Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Senate Wants US to Standby Afghans as Per BSA

Senate Wants US to Standby  Afghans as Per BSA

KABUL - The Mesharano Jirga or Senate on Sunday asked the US to act in line with the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) and stand by the people and the government of Afghanistan for durable peace and stability.
The upper house also asked the government to talk with the US regarding dismantling of their military bases and make sure these facilities are handed over to Afghan security forces in a transparent manner.
A statement from the Mesharano Jirga stated that the peace agreement between the US and the Taliban raised hopes for peace and end of the war in Afghanistan, but the agreement could not end the war and armed attacks intensified in the country amid intra-Afghan talks.
“We urge the Government of Afghanistan to establish regional and international consensus within the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), the United Nations (UN), and the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in order to achieve peace in Afghanistan and conclude peace talks between Afghans. Achieving tangible results in peace talks can save Afghanistan from global terrorism.”
Another issue that worried the upper house was destruction of security installations belonging to foreign forces.
The upper house said US forces were destroying their facilities before leaving their bases, as well as partially destroying their military equipment and weapons or moving them to Pakistan
Earlier, US Forces Spokesperson Col. Sonny Leggett had said that US forces worked in coordination with the Afghan National and Defense Forces and would hand over military bases that are no longer used by the US forces to the Afghans.
“The US-led forces in Afghanistan are committed to assisting and funding the Afghan National and Defense Forces through a training and advisory mission, and to assist the Afghan National and Defense Forces (ANSF) in defense when needed, in accordance with the US-Taliban Defense Agreement,” he said. (Pajhwok)