Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

US Election 2020: Biden and Trump hit swing states

US Election 2020: Biden and Trump hit swing states

WASHINGTON- On the eve of the election, Trump and Biden are making their final pitches to voters in crucial states that could determine the outcome.
These so-called swing states could go either way, making them valuable prizes in the race to win 270 electoral college votes (for more on how the US electoral system works, read this).
This year, analysts have identified Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina and Arizona as the top battleground states.
Donald Trump and Joe Biden have been travelling across the nation as the US election race enters its final hours.
Republican President Trump, 74, visited five battleground states while his 77-year-old Democratic challenger spoke at a campaign event in Pennsylvania, where the race also looks tight.
Mr Biden, a former vice-president, has a healthy national lead in the latest polls ahead of Tuesday's election.
But his advantage is narrower in key states which could decide the result.
More than 94 million people have already cast their ballots in early voting, putting the country on course for its highest turnout in a century.
In the US election, voters decide state-level contests rather than an overall single national one.
To be elected US president, a candidate must win at least 270 votes in what's called the electoral college. Each US state gets a certain number of votes partly based on its population and there are a total of 538 up for grabs.
Mr Biden earlier courted Latino voters with a tweet in Spanish, speaking of the separation of migrant families at the border and Mr Trump's "indifference" to the suffering of Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria struck in 2017.
Mr Biden's campaign said he would "fan out" to "all four corners" of Pennsylvania on Monday, joined by the pop stars Lady Gaga and John Legend. The Democratic challenger will also go to Ohio. (BBC)