Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Lack of National Consensus Overshadows Doha Talks: Rabbani

Lack of National Consensus  Overshadows Doha Talks:  Rabbani

KABUL - Salahuddin Rabbani, head of Jamiat-e-Islami party, at a gathering of his supporters in Kabul on Friday said that lack of consensus in the country on the ongoing peace talks with the Taliban in Qatar and absence of Afghanistan's influential politicians in the process have overshadowed the negotiations. 
Rabbani, who addressed his supporters, alleged that there are some elements within the government who see their interests in continuation of the war.
“The ongoing problem is rooted in the lack of a sincere will for peace because some elements’ mission is to destroy the country and some others think only about saving their power,” Rabbani said.
Rabbani also accused the government of monopolization of power, stating that the approach has led to an increase in insecurity.
At the same event, Ahmad Zia Massoud, former vice president and a key member of Jamiat-e-Islami, accused the government of expanding corruption, social injustice and discrimination in the country. 
He warned that the Taliban will never abandon violence, saying that the group’s plan is to enhance their war machine once the foreign forces leave.
“The Taliban has no interest in peace. They do not believe in social and political liberties, elections and freedom for women,” said Massoud.
Massoud also accused President Ghani of interference in security agencies’ affairs and added that the president “interferes” even in police chiefs' appointments.
“A single person wants to manage all government activities… The president wants to do all the activities,” said Massoud.
He called on those Jamiat members who have part their ways from the party to reunite and help in overcoming security challenges in the country.
Similar remarks were made by Ata Mohammad Noor, the CEO of Jamiat-e-Islami party, who addressed another gathering in Kabul on Friday. 
Noor called on the country’s political leaders to bring the people together against the Taliban. He said the people still can fight against the Taliban if the group denies peace. 
He also blamed the government for sidelining the country’s political leaders from decisions on national issues, including peace. 
“It is not so that you continue killing and we continue calm to avoid any harm to the peace efforts,” Noor said, pointing to Taliban violence. “If you (Taliban) exaggerate, we will have to take up arms, bring together our people and sacrifice for defending this country and its values.”  (TOLO NEWS)