Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Afghan Parliament to Start Confidence Vote on Cabinet Monday

Afghan Parliament to Start Confidence Vote on Cabinet Monday

KABUL - Afghanistan’s parliament will start holding a vote of confidence for cabinet on Monday next week, a lawmaker said on Tuesday.
Ten ministerial nominees will face confidence vote in parliament next week, MP Khan Aqa Rezayee, said.
He said that the decision was taken by a committee that assesses the documents of ministerial nominees.
Nominees who will face confidence vote next week are:
Mohammad Haneef Atmar, nominee for foreign minister, Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal, nominee for economy minister, Masooma Khawari, nominee for minister of communications and IT, Abbas Baseer, nominee for minister of higher education, Fazl Ahmad Manawi, nominee for minister of justice, Bashir Ahmad Tahyenj, nominee for minister of labor and social affairs, Asadullah Khalid, nominee for defense minister, Masood Andarabi, nominee for interior minister, Qasim Halimi, nominee for minister of haj and religious affairs, Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani, nominee for minister of commerce and industry. (1TV NEWS)