Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Procedure for Doha Talks Finalized: Source

Procedure for Doha  Talks Finalized: Source

KABUL - A reliable source in Doha says procedure for the peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban has been finalized.
The source, who did not want to be named, told Pajhwok Afghan News that the procedure for talks, which had been under discussion for more than two months, has now been finalized.
However, the sources did not share details on how the procedure was finalized.
The source also said that Masoom Stanekzai, the head of the Afghan government delegation, and Abdul Salam Rahimi, the president's special envoy for peace, had arrived in Kabul.
The purpose of Stanekzai and Rahimi's visit to Kabul was to consult with President Ghani on the procedure and seek his agreement.
The source said the two officials' visit to Kabul would be short and they would return to Doha soon.
Earlier, a member of the Afghan delegation and another source in Qatar told Pajhwok Afghan News that hopes for finalization of procedure for talks had increased, the talks had accelerated and discussions on the peace talks agenda could begin next week.
Meanwhile, former Taliban official Abdul Salam Zaeef wrote on his Twitter account that the talks procedure appears to have been finalized and called it a significant step forward.
A number of other unconfirmed sources have also reported the finalization of the procedure.
Disagreements over the modalities for the peace talks erupted when the Taliban called the US-Taliban peace deal in Doha as the basis of talks, but the government delegation opposed it.
Disagreements over this and other issues led to a two-month delay in discussions on the modalities, with delays in talks and meetings not being held on time.
More than two months ago, peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban began in Qatar for the first time. The ceremony was attended by 20 foreign ministers and other officials from various countries, including US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Also present at the ceremony were Dr. Abdullah, Chairman of the Afghan High Reconciliation Council and Hanif Atmar, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Following the start of the formal talks, a contact group of members of the government-Taliban delegation was appointed to finalize the modalities for the peace talks agenda and other meetings, but due to disagreements over some articles, the modalities were not finalized.
The war in Afghanistan has escalated and public criticism of the peace talks has increased. (Pajhwok)