Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Parliament Approves Nominees for 10 Ministries

Parliament Approves  Nominees for 10 Ministries

KABUL - The Afghan parliament on Saturday approved the candidates for 10 ministries, including two security agencies, amidst an increase in violence and concerns by people about lack of security in the country.
On Saturday session, 246 out of 248 lawmakers were present and the nominees needed 124 votes to be approved.
Mohammad Haneef Atmar was approved by the lawmakers as minister of foreign affairs by getting 197 votes in favor.
Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal was approved as minister of finance by winning 205 votes in favor, 32 votes against and 9 unmarked votes.
Assadullah Khalid was approved by the lawmakers as minister of defense by getting 206 votes in favor, 17 votes against, 15 invalid votes and 8 unmarked votes.
Massoud Andarabi meanwhile was approved as minister of interior affairs with 214 votes in favor, 25 votes against and 7 unmarked votes.
Fazl Ahmad Manawi was approved as minister of justice by getting 220 votes in favor, 9 votes against, 10 invalid votes and 7 unmarked votes.
The only woman nominee Masooma Khawari was approved as minister of telecommunication and information technology with 154 votes in favor, 67 votes against and 25 unmarked votes.
Abbas Basir was approved as minister of higher education by getting 197 votes in favor, 22 votes against, 13 invalid votes and 14 unmarked votes.
Bashir Ahmad Tahyanj was approved as minister of labor and social affairs by getting 190 votes in favor, 40 votes against, and 16 unmarked votes.
Mohammad Qasim Halimi was approved as minister of hajj and religious affairs with 148 votes in favor, 41 votes against, 23 invalid votes and 34 unmarked votes.
Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani was approved as minister of industry and commerce by winning 213 votes in favor, 23 votes against and 10 unmarked votes.
According to officials, 13 more ministers and directors of two independent agencies, the National Directorate of Security and the Central Bank, will present their plans to the parliament in the coming weeks. (TOLO NEWS)