Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Women Assassins of Haqqani Network

Women Assassins of Haqqani  Network

Muzghan and her Aunt Nasreen are the female assassins who lured an Afghan security official to his death with promises of sex before shooting him dead.
Following the assassination, they dumped his body at a cemetery, the women are among thousands of Taliban affiliated assassinators freed as part of a fragile peace plan, AFP reports.
As ultra-conservative Islamists ban women from many areas of life and are often forced to stay home, but these women were given tasks to become and serve as deadly assassins.
Muzhgan and her aunt Nasreen walked free from jail in September of 2020, following confession to being members of the Haqqani network.
Both women were reported to have been on death row, after several killings including the murder of an Afghan intelligence agent at their home.
Nasreen’s daughter used as bait “under the pretext of selling her body” on the orders of a Taliban commander, AFP quotes a security official.
The agent was cold-bloodedly murdered using a pistol fitted with a silencer; his body was left in a local graveyard inside a metal box.
These women were prolific killers, adept at setting deadly “honey traps and brutal murders, including killings of their own relatives- AFP.
They are involved in murdering two men of their own family who served as policemen; one was poised and the other was killed by the assassin’s magnetic mine.
As it is not common for relatives to opposing sides in Afghanistan’s decades of war.
The pair before their arrest in 2016 worked with other people including Muzhgan’s husband. The assassin group carried out deadly grenade attacks and shooting on a Sufi shrine and their list of murder spree grows.
Prior to her release, Muzhgan said in a recorded video by the authorities, that she “will not join this group again” she confessed to murdering, kidnapping, and cooperating with the “Haqqani Network”.
It is rare for such notorious killers to appear in female bodies, as the Taliban are strictly based on women’s freedom.
Under the prisoner swap agreement of more than 5000 Taliban fighters, 5 are women.
Such cases are almost unheard of in regions such as Afghanistan.
“The Taliban’s norms and ideology firmly relegate women to the domestic sphere,” she told AFP.
“To allow them to take part in, or admit that they played a role in waging the war, would go against core ideological tenets of the movement.”  analyst Ashley Jackson from the Overseas Development Institute think tank told AFP.
Taliban freed 1,000 members of the Afghan security forces, but Kabul said many of the Taliban released prisoners have returned to the battlefield.
Nasreen and Muzhgan were among the 400 most dangerous prisoners to be released.
On the other hand, Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said, the women were ordinary members of Taliban families detained during American operations.
He said women in the insurgent families do cooperate but are not included, recruited, or “ordered to take part in operations”
Among the released prisoners, Nargis an Iranian national who became an Afghan citizen, a police officer following her marriage with a local man, was convicted of killing a U.S. police trainer in Kabul in the year 2012. It is reported as the first insider attack by the Afghan officials.
According to the Taliban, two other women are from insurgent families, who were released and have now returned to their homes. (Khaama Press)