Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Female Deputies Appointed for 8 Provinces

Female Deputies Appointed for  8 Provinces

KABUL - The Independent Directorate of Local Governance (ICRC) said at least eight women have been appointed as social deputies in eight different provinces upon an official decree by the Presidential Palace on Sunday.
Bayati Salimi as the social deputy of Kapisa province, Breshna Sherzai as the social deputy of Kunar province, Hosy Andar as the social deputy of Ghazni province, Breshna Safi as the social deputy of the Laghman province, and Maryam Rahmani have been appointed as the social deputy of Zabul province.
Meanwhile, Zaheda Faizan has been appointed as the social deputy of Nuristan province, Rohgol Khairzad has been appointed as the social deputy of Nimroz province, and Zarghoneh Shirzad has been appointed as the social deputy of Badghis province.
The appointment of female deputies came months after the cabinet planned to appoint female deputy governor for each province. (Khaama Press)