Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Chinese Envoy Asks for Int’l Efforts to Boost Afghan Peace Process

Chinese Envoy Asks for Int’l Efforts to Boost Afghan Peace Process

UNITED NATIONS - A Chinese envoy on Thursday asked for international efforts to boost the Afghan peace process and to help improve security in the country.
Afghanistan is at a critical juncture with the launch of intra-Afghan peace talks in September, which offers an opportunity for the end of conflict, said Geng Shuang, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations.
China hopes that the parties will build on the current momentum, work constructively and meet each other halfway so as to find an effective political solution, Geng told a UN General Assembly meeting on Afghanistan.
The international community, he said, should create a favorable environment for the peace talks in Afghanistan on the basis of respect for the will of the Afghan people. No external forces should impose their ideas, nor manipulate the talks out of self-interest, he said.
The withdrawal of foreign troops should be conducted in an orderly and responsible manner to avoid leaving a security vacuum. Crimes committed by foreign troops in Afghanistan should be thoroughly investigated and perpetrators be brought to justice, he said.
China, as a friendly neighbor and true friend of Afghanistan, has been always supportive of Afghanistan's peace and reconciliation process. China will continue to contribute in this regard, said Geng.
The security situation in Afghanistan remains a matter of concern as violent incidents repeatedly take place. The international community should provide training as well as financial and technical support to the Afghan security forces to enhance their capacity building so that Afghanistan can handle the challenges of terrorism, cross-border crimes and drug-trafficking, he said.
China has always helped Afghanistan enhance its counter-terrorism capacity and supported Afghanistan's efforts to fight terrorism and maintain national security, he said.
Lasting peace in Afghanistan cannot be achieved without economic and social development. The international community should help Afghanistan unlock its geopolitical potential and achieve stability and prosperity through regional cooperation and connectivity.
China will continue to carry forward the Belt and Road Initiative together with Afghanistan and contribute to regional economic integration and common development, he said.
COVID-19 has brought huge challenges to Afghanistan. The international community should help the country control the disease and recover the economy. China has provided Afghanistan with several batches of supplies and sent in medical experts for the fight against COVID-19. China will continue to do what it can to help Afghanistan in this regard, he said. (Xinhua)