Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

MP’s Driver and Bodyguard Killed in Botched Assassination Attempt

MP’s Driver and Bodyguard Killed in Botched  Assassination Attempt

KABUL - Tawofiq Wahdat, a member of the Afghan parliament (Wolesi Jirga), confirmed that his vehicle had been targeted in an explosion early Sunday morning, but that he had not been in the vehicle at the time of the incident.
Speaking to Ariana News, Wahdat said his Toyota Landcruiser had been the target but that it was not yet clear whether the device used had been a magnetic IED or a roadside bomb. 
Wahdat, who had not been in the vehicle at the time, said: “It is not yet clear whether it was a roadside mine or magnetic (IED). The enemy wants to silence the voice of democracy and [the voice of the] people through such cowardly acts.”
Wahdat said two of his employees were killed in the explosion and two others, including his brother, were slightly wounded. “One of my drivers and a guard were killed, another guard and my brother who were on the back seat were wounded slightly,” he said.
Kabul police confirmed that the blast occurred around 7:45am local time close to the Parwan Hotel in PD15 of Kabul city.
Wahdat said this was the first indication of any threat against his life. He does however blame intelligence institutions for the high level of targeted assassinations and attempted assassinations currently gripping the country, especially Kabul.
The breakdown in intelligence gathering was the problem, he said. 
So far no group has yet claimed responsibility for the explosion. 
In another incident in Kabul on Sunday, unknown gunmen shot and killed a court prosecutor in Kart-e-Naw area in PD8 of Kabul city, Kabul police confirmed. 
Police said the reason is not yet clear but that investigations are underway. (ATN)