Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

UN Warns Assassinations ‘Taking Place at A Deeply Disturbing Rate’

UN Warns Assassinations ‘Taking Place at A Deeply Disturbing Rate’

KABUL - Targeted killings of civilians are taking place at a deeply disturbing rate in Afghanistan, UNAMA stated Wednesday afternoon in a series of tweets. 
The United Nations mission in Afghanistan said it “mourns the loss of so many outstanding citizens, condemns those responsible and urges authorities to bring them to account.”
The mission emphasized that in the past four days “Afghanistan has seen the killing of an MP, a well known journalist, a group of medics and head of a leading election watchdog.”
“Such dreadful attacks are rarely claimed and frequently focus on those working for an open society,” UNAMA stated.
“The UN repeats its call for a sustained reduction in violence. Lives and gains must be protected, with spoilers prevented from undermining the vital peace negotiations, due to resume 5 January.”
This comes after an outcry was sparked in Afghanistan on Wednesday morning following the assassination of Yousuf Rashid, the CEO of Free and Fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan (FEFA) who was gunned down outside his house.
On Tuesday, four doctors from Pul-e Charkhi prison were also killed – in a targeted IED explosion.
These two incidents are just two of a string of attacks that are carried out across Afghanistan on a daily basis – mostly all of which are targeting specific people, including journalists and civil society members. (ATN)