Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Almost 300 Arrested During Door-To-Door Operation in Kabul

Almost 300 Arrested During Door-To-Door Operation in Kabul

KABUL - Residents of 315 area of Khair Khana, in Kabul city, said on Sunday that Afghan security forces arrested about 280 people between Saturday and Sunday in connection with suspected terrorist activities, armed robberies and other crimes.
Security forces carried out a door-to-door search of the area that reportedly lasted for 8 hours.
Reports emerged early Saturday of the operation after Khair Khana residents took to social media to post photographs of military tanks being used to close off streets.
At the time, locals said security forces had ordered them to stay inside their homes and were stopping anyone from leaving the area.
“They had an operation in the area, at least 280 people were arrested; 12 or 14 of them were Daesh members,” said Khan Agha, a Khair Khana resident.
“More of them were terrorists but some of the people arrested are not terrorists,” said Subhanallah, another resident.
The Afghan Ministry of Interior (MoI) said the security forces launched the new door-to-door plan, which aims to flush out insurgents and cut down on crime.
The MoI did not provide further details but said that several people had been arrested and arms and ammunition had also been seized.
“Several persons arrested in PD11 had been under investigation. Some ammunition was also seized in the operation,” Tariq Aryan, spokesman for the MoI, said.
This comes after First Vice President Amrullah Saleh said during his 6.30am daily security meeting that no foreign national had been arrested during the operation.
Saleh said that some individuals had been arrested on charges of kidnapping and some for terrorist activities.
This move comes amid a dramatic increase in attacks in the city that include magnetic IEDs attached to vehicles and targeted shootings.
Last week, IED explosions marred the start of virtually everyday as public figures were targeted – mostly after leaving home for work.
The surge in assassinations sparked an outcry among public figures, ordinary Afghans and members of the international community.
By Thursday, Afghans on social media were asking “who is next?” (ATN)