Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

US Supports Afghan Govt.-Led Peace Process: Crocker

US Supports Afghan  Govt.-Led Peace Process: Crocker

KANDAHAR CITY - US ambassador to Afghanistan on Saturday said his country was supportive of the Afghan government-led reconciliation process.
Ryan Crocker, who arrived in southern Kandahar province, held a joint press with governor, Tooryalai Wesa, Kandahar city mayor and other government officials.

On the strategic cooperation deal, he said the US would pay more attention toward other Afghan sectors comparing to the administrative and military affairs after 2014.

He said although the number of their troops would reduce in Afghanistan after 2014, the US would continue to help Afghanistan in economic, security and development sectors.

A 50 percent of the security responsibility would be transferred to Afghan forces by March 2012, the US envoy said, calling the development a great achievement for Afghans.

To a question about the possible setting up of a Taliban office in Turkey or Saudi Arabia, Crocker said holding talks with the rebels was the job of the Afghan government and his country was ready to help the government, if it needed so.

He added conditions, including breaking ties with Al Qaeda, respecting the Afghan Constitution and human rights, were already there for the peace talks.

He said militant safe havens in Pakistan posing threat to both the US and Afghanistan must be eradicated.

"The US Department of State is working on this matter to solve it and Pakistan must stop these militants," he noted.

Replying to another question, the ambassador said they hoped Pakistan would reopen the NATO supply line, saying the blockade had so far no impact on the US and NATO strategy. He said they could use alternative routes.