Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Afghanistan Reports 84 New COVID-19 Cases in 24 Hours

Afghanistan Reports 84 New  COVID-19 Cases in 24 Hours

KABUL - Ministry of Public Health reported Saturday, that out of 1,003 samples, 84 cases have turned positive in the last 24 hours.
At least 213,207 people have so far been tested in the governmental labs, and there still are 8,914 known active cases in the country.
According to the ministry, within 24 hours, 300 individuals have Recovered from COVID-19, and 12 individuals are reported dead.
The new cases recorded in Kabul are 19, Kandahar Three, Balkh Four, Takhar 16, Paktya One, Baghlan One, Bamyan One, Dykundi Seven, Logar Four, Wardak Two, Panjsher Seven, Paktika One, Faryab Two and Sar-e-Pul 16.
The total number of cases in Afghanistan is 53,462, Total deaths are 2,279 and the total recoveries are recorded 43,740.
COVID-19 global toll has increased to 88,969,386 and the dead are reported to more than 1,915,540 according to Johns Hopkins’ global dashboard. (Khaama Press)