Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Social Distancing Not Observed at Torkham Crossing: Commuters

Social Distancing Not Observed at Torkham Crossing: Commuters

JALALABAD - Passengers at the Torkham crossing in eastern Nangarhar province say Covid-19 test is mandatory for them but social distancing and other precautions are not observed there.
They say the chance of transmission of the virus has been high in crowded areas while test for the virus could also be fake.
Pakistan tightened measures at Torkham border crossing following the second wave of Covid-19 and the country does not allow entry of commuters without being tested for the virus.
Afghan passengers say there is high traffic of people on the border but no one is observing social distance or using masks.
Rahman Sayeed, who was traveling to Peshawar for medical treatment, said that Covid-19 tests were useless for being fake.
Mirwais, who returned from Peshawar to Jalalabad city, said that no one was observing health guidelines on neither sides but Covid-19 tests were mandatory.
Passengers say health guidelines for prevention of Covid-19 should be enforced or tests for the virus should be cancelled.
However, Nangarhar health officials say not using masks or observing social distance is a problem of people.
Dr. Zahir Adil, spokesman of Nangarhar public health department, said that they had done public awareness campaigns about health guidelines, but people did not follow them.
He said only people were responsible for not following health guidelines. (Pajhwok)