Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Kabulov’s Remarks Not Based on Realities in Afghanistan: MoFA

Kabulov’s Remarks Not Based on Realities in Afghanistan: MoFA

KABUL - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) on Friday reacted to recent remarks by Russian envoy for Afghanistan, Zamir Kablov, who said he favors an inclusive and transitional coalition government in Afghanistan and that the Taliban has not violated their deal with the United States.
MoFA said that some remarks by Mr. Kaboluv were not based on realities in Afghanistan while in some context they were contrary to official statements by the Russian Federation, which Kabul sees as a friend.
The ministry said that unjustifiable exaggeration of “a forbidden group in Russia” is in contravention of Russia’s willingness in fighting against the threat of terrorism and extremism in the region and of achieving lasting peace based on the demand of Afghans. The ministry added that such remarks are not matching the two countries’ mutual interests.
The ministry said that the Afghan government is a UN member and that enjoys diplomatic relations with all countries, including Russia, and is fulfilling all its international commitments as a responsible government.
“One cannot put such a government in one level with a group that is seeking power through force and massacre of its own people and has clear cooperation with terrorism, and the Russian Federation recognizes it as a terrorist group and is under UN blacklist,” the foreign affairs ministry said.
Contrary to Mr. Kaboluv’s claims, the Afghan government has never delayed the peace talks, but it was the Taliban who left the negotiating table.
“The Afghan government freed more than 6,000 Taliban prisoners due to its will for peace while trusting the Taliban’s commitment to the international community to open the way for talks,” MoFA said. “The release of the prisoners for showing goodwill and for beginning the talks is unprecedented.”
The ministry said that the Taliban promised that their prisoners will never return to the battlefield and that they will begin talks on ceasefire, but right now, it is quite evident that the Taliban has not fulfilled its commitments, not the Afghan government.
Kabulov also said that the Taliban is “flawlessly” adhering to the terms of a 2020 peace deal with the United States to help end the war in Afghanistan and is urging Washington not to renege on its commitments.
MoFA said that Kabulov’’s remarks on the Taliban’s controlling of three-fourth of the country’s territory as incorrect, adding that “conducting terrorist attacks and killing the people in different areas do not mean they are controlling those areas.”
The ministry also reacted to Kabulov’s remark on an inclusive and transitional coalition government, saying that the Afghan government’s stance is that “our people have the right and the ability to determine their fate through elections and in accordance with the country’s Constitution.”
“The contradiction in Mr. Kabulov’s remarks is that from one side he calls the Taliban a ‘national’ and internal group while in another part he says that Pakistan has supported and has provided them shelter.
“We reiterate that we value Russia’s role in regional matters, and we seek the continuation of cooperation between the two countries to ensure our mutual interests and mutual regional interests,” MoFA said. (TOLO NEWS)