Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

China Supports Peaceful Reconstruction

China Supports  Peaceful Reconstruction

UNITED NATIONS - China supports the peaceful reconstruction process in which Afghanistan is run and owned by Afghans, said Li Baodong, Chinese permanent representative to the United Nations on Monday. Li made the remarks while addressing a Security Council meeting on Afghanistan. He told the Council that the Bonn Conference held on December 5 is an important international meeting since Afghanistan entered the transition period.

The conference achieved positive results and decided that Afghanistan will start a decade of transformation after the conclusion of its transition period in 2014 and the international community will continue to provide support and assistance to Afghanistan. China welcomes the decision, Li said.

He noted that the comprehensive stability and reconstruction in Afghanistan will be a long process, which requires unremitting efforts from the Afghan government and its people as well as continued support and assistance from the international community.

"In the withdrawal of troops, the parties concerned must ensure the safety of Afghanistan, proceed in a responsible manner, and further efforts must be made to help Afghanistan enhance capacity building in the security area," Li said.

China hopes that Afghanistan will continue to promote national reconciliation, create favorable environment for reconciliation in order to facilitate greater progress of the peace and reintegration program.
China also called on relevant parties to effectively fulfill their commitment to assisting Afghanistan, support the country to develop economy and strengthen its capacity for sustainable development, he said.

In addition, China firmly supports Afghanistan in developing external relations based on mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, especially in enhancing good neighborly relations with regional countries.

"Regional cooperation initiatives should fully respect the sovereignty and autonomy of Afghanistan, involve wide participation of regional countries, respect their legitimate concerns and process on the basis of agreement after full consultations among all sides," Li said.

The ambassador noted that China has been committed to developing good neighborly relations with Afghanistan. It attaches importance to and takes an active part in Afghan reconstruction process.
China will continue to provide help to Afghanistan as its capacity permits, he added.