Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Transfer of Power Is Possible but Only Via Elections: Ghani

Transfer of Power Is Possible but Only Via Elections: Ghani

KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani said on Saturday his government was ready to prepare for elections and that any change in power would be through an electoral process.
Addressing lawmakers at the opening of a parliament session, Ghani said: “Transfer of power through elections is a non-negotiable principle for us.”
This comes after some Afghan politicians said this week that US Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconstruction Zalmay Khalilzad suggested, during a three-day visit to Kabul, that a transitional administration should be established.
Ghani on Saturday meanwhile said he is ready to discuss elections with the Taliban but stated the future of Afghanistan will be determined by the Constitution.
“We are ready to talk about a free, transparent and countrywide election under the management of the international community. We can discuss and agree about its date,” said Ghani.
Ghani also called on Taliban to reduce violence and stop killing Afghans.
“I have a message to the Taliban… to leave the violence and come to action.”
Ghani called on Pakistan to choose a “right path” and said: “Let’s accept each other as two independent countries.”
“Pakistan must change its policy and accept Afghanistan as an independent country,” added Ghani.
Calling the current opportunity for peace unprecedented and unique, Ghani said Afghans want an end to the war that has continued for 42 years and that they want peace, but not the peace of the graveyard.
He reiterated that he will not allow the people’s efforts for democracy, freedom and preservation of the system to be wasted.
Mir Rahman Rahmani, head of the Wolesi Jirga (Lower House of Parliament) called on the Taliban to show flexibility in peace talks and to stop making new demands.
We call on the Taliban “to reduce violence, and show flexibility in peace negotiations, and avoid demands that are not possible. They should announce a ceasefire without any excuse,” said Rahmanl. (ATN)