Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

UNAMA Chief Heads for Doha in Bid to Push for Peace

UNAMA Chief Heads for Doha in Bid to Push for Peace

DOHA - The United Nations envoy for Afghanistan Deborah Lyons is due to arrive in Qatar to meet with Afghan government and Taliban representatives in an effort to accelerate the peace process, two sources familiar with the talks told Reuters.
This comes amid concerted efforts by the United States to shake up the stalled intra-Afghan talks, ahead of the May 1 troop withdrawal deadline as set out in the US-Taliban agreement signed in Doha last February.
Currently, US peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad is visiting the region and has put forward the Biden administration’s plan for peace which includes an interim government.
According to Reuters, Lyons is expected to also meet with Khalilzad and Qatari officials during her visit, the sources said.
These are crucial meetings as the outcome will decide the fate of talks in Doha and whether they should be continued or put under a moratorium, Reuters reported. (ATN)