Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

US Cannot Count on The Taliban to Stand Against Global Terrorism: Lisa Curtis

US Cannot Count on  The Taliban to Stand Against Global Terrorism: Lisa Curtis

Lisa Curtis Senior Fellow and Director, Indo-Pacific Security Program, CNAS at a virtual meeting with Foreign Policy Magazine stressed that the Taliban could not be trusted on addressing US and Global counterterrorism interests.
According to Curtis “the US should keep a limited force presence in Afghanistan”.
She said “I recognize that comes with a certain amount of risk and that the Taliban could decide to resume attacks against US forces, but the US has the capability” to answer the group back.
“I believe the risks are simply too high” to withdraw US troops, and said that the Taliban would be able to retake power in 12 to 18 months.
This would enable the reemergence of terrorist safe haven” in fact more powerful than 9/11”.
Curtis indicated that some experienced republican and democrat politicians support the stay of US troops in Afghanistan.
She said “we should look at what happened in Iraq”, she added in “2011 we pulled out all US troops and what happened ISIS rose in the country and practically took over the city of Mosul” and US troops were to be sent back to the country.
“If you ask Americans” they would favor preventing another 911, and the hasty withdrawal will make the US lose its global credibility.
US and NATO should have a responsible withdrawal procedure, Curtis indicated.
US must expect concessions from both sides not only force the Afghan government, according to Lisa.
The US simply should not be pulling support from Afghan national security forces, who hand in hand fought beside US troops.
Taliban may only keep Alqaeda under wraps but “Who will protect global counterterrorism interests”, Curtis said that Afghan national security forces are who will help the US and global counterterrorism interests.
She said US certainly cannot count on the Taliban to address our counterterrorism concerns,
Curtis expressed that keeping a small American troops presence in Afghanistan to support and back up the Afghan forces against terror threats certainly makes a lot of sense.
So far US has not seen the Taliban being committed to their agreement, the group has not severed ties with Al-Qaeda and they continue to choose violence “ in fact at higher levels” and continue to have links with Al-Qaeda.
United States President Joe Biden is planning to keep US troops in Afghanistan beyond the May 1st deadline while working on a deal with the Taliban that would allow an American Counterterrorism force to remain in the country to battle Daesh militants, according to Adam Smith, US congressman.
According to experts Daesh or ISIS and other extremist groups in Afghanistan still remains a threat to the region and global security. (Khaama Press)