Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

$719,000 Embezzled in Construction of Afghan Embassy Wall

$719,000 Embezzled in  Construction of Afghan  Embassy Wall

KABUL - The Attorney General Office (AGO) has accused presidential advisor Mohammad Humayun Qayyumi, Afghan Ambassador in Washington Roya Rahmani and, a former advisor Shah Mohammad Sargand of embezzling more than $719,000 in the construction of the Afghan embassy wall.
Pajhwok Afghan News reported on July 11, 2020, that the Afghan embassy in the United States had reconstructed its boundary wall measuring 70 meters at a cost of around $1,825,839 while rejecting an economical offer of $88,000 for the rebuilding of the same wall.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), denying the report, promised referring the matter to the Supreme Audit Institution for a thorough investigation.
After Pajhwok released the report, the Wolesi Jirga and Meshrano Jirga introduced Qayyumi, former minister of finance, Yama Nizami advisor to the MoF and Ambassador Roya Rahmani  to the AGO.
The case has been investigated by the Civil Prosecutor Office of the Anti-Corruption and Justice Center (ACJC).
The prosecutor office wrote on March 3 that the accused — Sargand, Rahmani and Qayyumi) — were involved in the embezzlement of $719,220, and they should be punished under Articles 388, 391 and 403 of the Penal Code.
Ahmad Fahim Qawim, spokesman for the Supreme Court, confirmed to Pajhwok that the matter, which had reached the court, was returned to the AGO to address the shortcomings in investigations. It has not been returned to the Supreme Court so far.  (Pajhwok)