Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Why is there no clear perspective for peace in Afghanistan?

Why is there no clear perspective for peace in Afghanistan?

Although Achieving peace has long been a dream of the Afghan people, the prospect of peace and security is not clear in Afghanistan. After forty years of war and conflicts, and after more than one decade of formal and informal peace efforts, there is no promising evidence to show a clear perspective for peace in the country. So far, the outcome of the peace process has been only the intensification of war and target killings. Therefore, the outlook of peace is not only dark for the ordinary people of Afghanistan but also for the top politicians of the country. Last week, Mohammad Mohaqiq, the senior adviser of the president on political and security affairs and leader of the People’s Islamic Unity Party of Afghanistan said, “The situation is complex and there is no clear prospect for peace in Afghanistan”.  However, he had expressed optimism about Istanbul summit hoping to be effective in securing peace and ending the war in Afghanistan.
Given the inverse outcome of the peace process, the peace vision is seriously faced with doubts questions in the country. According to political experts, these doubts and questions rooted in different issues such as stubborn political position of Taliban, presence foreign terrorist groups in the country, the linkage of Taliban commanders with them, access of Taliban to more advanced weapons and more importantly increase of violence and target killings in parallel with peace process. It has been common in conflict-ridden societies around the world, to announce ceasefire as first step towards peace and putting an end to war and conflicts, but In Afghanistan, despite long peace efforts, this first step has not been taken yet.
Undoubtedly, the government and people of Afghanistan have shown their good-will and utmost flexibility with releasing 5000 prisoners, the Taliban responded with more bloodshed and more atrocity in the country. The Taliban has also ignored the consensus of religious scholars from different Islamic countries including Indonesia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and some other Islamic countries.
According to political analysts, the real managers of war do not have intention to bring peace and stability to Afghanistan. On one hand, they talk about the peace process; on the other hand, they intensify violence by providing more dangerous weapons to Taliban. In fact, they use the peace process as a tactic to topple the current system and order in the country.
The history of Afghanistan and also the behavior of the Taliban in the last two decades have been replete with such experience followed by political instability in the country. As abovementioned, the government and the people of Afghanistan have shown their utmost flexibility with releasing 5000 prisoners, the Taliban responded with more bloodshed and atrocity in the country.
A number of these prisoners have either killed or captured on the battlefield while they had committed not to take guns against the people of Afghanistan. Although the people of Afghanistan call Taliban unsatisfied brothers, their relentless behavior and lack of honesty have really changed the views of the Afghan people.
The people of Afghanistan have repeatedly called the Taliban to prove their honesty with stopping the killing of civilians but it always produced inverse results. On the contrary to their slogans, they stopped the war and attacks against foreigners or as they call infields but intensified war against their Muslim brothers including armed and civilians. If the Taliban are patriotic, Muslim, and believe in peace in Afghanistan, why not stop the killing of Muslim people in different parts of the country.
Accordingly, if the Taliban believes that the government is for the people and the people should be involved in their destiny, and then why they are not ready to accept an acceptable mechanism proposed by the government of Afghanistan. The government of Afghanistan has proposed a good plan regarding the transition of power through an early election provided that its transparency ensured with certain conditions and a third party such as the UN.
On the whole, the inverse outcome of peace efforts supports the idea that the Taliban is not an independent group. Based on this idea, as long as the donors of this program are not satisfied with the end of the war, it will be difficult to find a solution to Afghanistan’s problems. This idea becomes more serious when we combine it with their monopolistic behavior, lawlessness, atrocities, and efforts for the establishment of an anti-people system. Thus, it shows how the regional intelligence networks are very successful in fooling and using a number of Afghans to perpetuate war, violence, killings, and destruction in Afghanistan to implement their relentless project in the country.
If the Taliban supporting countries have any Legal litigation with the government of Afghanistan they should pursue it through peaceful ways but if they are concerned about the establishment of sovereign, independent, and self-sufficient national governments in Kabul, it is an unacceptable demand. Therefore, the people of Afghanistan should cautious and the historical experience should be a guide in the peace process. There is no doubt that peace is a priority in Afghanistan, but there are fears that peace will be tactic for political instability and the overthrow of the existing political order.
Given the dark perspective of peace in Afghanistan, the withdrawal of the Counter-Terrorism forces should not be an immature and irresponsible way. Otherwise, Afghanistan will change to the center of international terrorism.  The withdrawal of foreign forces before resolving the current issues seems illogical and irresponsible. The stubborn position of the Taliban does not show their good intention. As the Taliban and Taliban prisoners have not acted upon their commitment they will also run away from a positive peace in the country. Therefore, Afghanistan may once again change to the center of international terrorism and radical groups before the establishment of a fair and moderate system in the country.